photo credit to: Snapful Phtographer
今天要分享一組在多倫多Markham的婚禮。秋天的Angus Glen Golf Club 感覺跟夏天很不一樣,落葉和初秋的天色多了一分浪漫,溫柔。 我的新娘Winnie是我化過最上鏡的女生之一。 My bride, Winnie, is one of the most photogenic brides I have ever seen. Winnie是可愛型的女生,很愛笑,平時不化妝,要求大方自然的妝感。頭髮很軟很薄,也不長,第一次試妝以後我就叫她不能剪頭髮,盡量留長。頭髮發量不多的女生,婚禮提前一定要盡量留頭髮,儘管發量不多,至少頭髮夠長,這樣才能做出好點的髮髻和造型。 Winnie is a super cute girl who always with her big smile. She doesn't put make up on often,her hair is very soft, thin and just over shoulder, after the I met her at the trial, I told her not to cut her hair and try to keep it long. For girls with less hair volume, it is necessary to keep the hair as early as possible for the wedding hair style, although there is not much hair volume, at least the hair is long enough to make a fuller hair bun or hair updo. 到了晚上髮型依然沒有亂。 Hair style still looking perfect until late night. Photographer: Eliot Kim
AuthorToronto Makeup Artist-Molly Archives
January 2022
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